3 Applications for PLCs in the Glass Industry

Efficiency is the key to keeping up with demands in the glass industry. Manufacturers are always looking for ways to automate their processes and streamline their operations to stay ahead of the competition. Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) are game changers for the glass industry, as they provide a reliable and efficient way to control, monitor, and automate production processes. We’ll dive into three applications for PLCs in the glass industry that improve efficiency and reduce downtime.

Cutting and Edging

One of the most critical stages in glass manufacturing is cutting and edging. It requires precision and accuracy to achieve the right shape and size for your application. PLCs can control and automate this process, reducing errors and increasing consistency in the output. By programming the correct measurements and shapes, PLCs can help you cut down on waste, saving resources in the long run.

Tempering and Laminating

Glass tempering and laminating require temperature and pressure control to produce high-quality products. PLCs make it possible to monitor these parameters, allowing you to keep them within acceptable ranges. For instance, the temperature needs to sit at 600 degrees Celsius or higher to temper glass. Surface compression must measure about 10,000 pounds per square inch, or PSI.

PLCs can also monitor vital signs like temperature, humidity, and voltage to alert operators when they are outside of acceptable limitations. If the temperature of your tempering machine falls below that 600-degree mark, or humidity becomes too high, it will notify you that something is wrong. With this information, you can optimize machine settings, diagnose issues early and prevent downtime.

Inspection and Sorting

Another application for PLCs in the glass industry is offering information when inspecting and sorting products for order preparation. Before shipping, glass must undergo several quality control checks to ensure product consistency and eliminate defects. PLCs make it possible to automate this inspection, reducing the need for manual inspections. By incorporating vision sensors, PLCs can analyze the glass and detect flaws that your team members could miss. This reduces the chances of delivering defective products and increases customer satisfaction.

PLCs are essential tools for manufacturers who want to thrive in the ever-evolving glass industry. If you’re interested in reaping these benefits, reach out to PLC Direct. We carry a diverse selection of top-quality PLCs from premium brands. Our collection of Allen Bradley parts is especially popular and great for streamlining your processes. Whether you need a brand-new PLC or parts for repairs, we have you covered.