EtherNet I/P module, STP (shielded twisted-pair) cable of category 5, 5e, or higher, tag data link message service communications, 1 unit numbers word, 410 mA 5/DC
Profibus-DP master module, 9.6 to 12Mbit/s, 7k words I/O and 25 words CIO, 9-pin female sub-D connector, rotary switch, 400 mA at 5/DC
CompoBus/S Master module, remote I/O communications, 128 - 256 I/O points, 40 mountable units, variable 1 or 2 allocation, 8 addresses per node, 32 connectable slaves
Ethernet unit, 100Base-TX and 10 Base-T, 1 x RJ45 socket, TCP/IP & UDP/IP socket services, FTP, SMTP, FINS
Serial high-speed communication unit, 2x RS-232C ports, Protocol Macro, Host Link, 1:N NT Link, No protocol, Serial Gateway (CompoWay/F, MODBUS-RTU, MODBUS-ASCII, Host Link), MODBUS RTU Slave, up to 230 kbps
Serial communication unit, 2x RS422/485 ports, Protocol Macro, Host Link, 1:N NT Link, No protocol, Serial Gateway (CompoWay/F, Modbus-RTU, Modbus-ASCII, Host Link), Modbus RTU Slave
Serial communication unit, 1x RS-232C port + 1x RS422/485 port, Protocol Macro, Host Link, 1:N NT Link, No protocol, Serial Gateway (CompoWay/F, Modbus-RTU, Modbus-ASCII, Host Link), Modbus RTU Slave
Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, area detection, 30mm area, high-flex fiber R1, 2m cable
Fiber amplifier with potentiometer, fast respons time, NPN output, 2m cable
G9SP EIP communications option
Cable EtherCAT length 5m M12-M12 Smart
RS-232C cable 2m cable length for PC connection
Cable EtherCAT length 1m M12-M12 Smart
Cable EtherCAT length 2m M12-M12 Smart
Cable EtherCAT length 3m M12-M12 Smart
Fibre Optic Sensors 50mm OD White Wide Area Ring
Fibre Optic Sensors 50mm OD White High Bright Ring
Fibre Optic Sensors 90mm OD White Ring
Ethernet Module, 100Base-TX cable, FINS communication service, FTP server functions, socket/mail transmission/mail receive, auto adj. PLC built-in clock, server/host name specification), 5V 0.38A